Key to pictures:
Note: The Cemetery Listings for Delta County, Colorado published on the Delta County GenWeb website now list four Paces buried in the plot, with the new listing only able to read "Mother" on the stone. Notes from the 1981 trip read, "Jane had begged to be buried next to her beloved Annie, but this wish was denied to her. The fourth plot was saved for Uncle Charlie but he never used it. Jane was instead buried in the newer cemetary." While there is no photo of Jane's headstone from the 1981 trip, the inscription read, "AT REST MOTHER JANE HUMPHERY Nov. 6, 1833 Jan 28, 1924 Age 90 yrs -3 mo 22 da. So, The 1981 "vacant" plot is evidently now occupied by Anna Humphrey's mother Jane Humphrey.
Transcriptions taken in 1981 were:
Vacancy ANNA L. PACE ELIZABETH J. PACE CAPT. 1871- 1906 Wife of CHAS. W. PACE C.W. Pace CO. C Born May 10, 1832 11 Mo. Cav. Died Dec. 13,1889 (no dates) Age 57 yrs -7 mos- 3 days