F. G. Pace
Franklin Green Pace passed away on January 12th, at the age of more than sixty-five years. The funeral was held Monday, from the Christian church in New Market, conducted by Rev. Roy C. Snodgrass, the Christian minister in Clarinda, the burial taking place in Memory cemetery nearby.
Born near French Lick Springs, in Orange county, Indiana, August 2nd 1852, his grandfather, Young Farris, was the first county clerk of Page county, Ia. His ancestry was strictly American, his great grandsires both on his father's and mother's side having taken part in the Revolutionary War. When two years of age, the boy was brought by his parents to Page county, Ia., where he has made his home for more than sixty three years. Their home was in East River township, near the school house still bearing the name Pace, as a monument to their having lived here. Frank was a successful farmer, one of the men who have helped transform this country from a prairie wilderness to its present state of productiveness in agriculture. He never married, living a bachelor life, and rarely visited by his relatives, as was his preference. Two brothers and two sisters survive, E. A. Pace and Mrs. Susannah Reeves of New Market, and in Colorado Charles W. Pace and Mrs. Rose Campbell.